Class 3 (Years 3 & 4) at Spofforth
The teachers for Class 3 are Mrs Blades and Mrs Wiseman.
Mrs Blades will teach Class 3 on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and Mrs Wiseman on a Tuesday and Wednesday.
Please find below a welcome letter to all our new year 3 & 4 children starting in September, from Mrs Blades and Mrs Wiseman.
Spofforth Class 3 Welcome Letter
Curriculum Overview
Please click below for the Class Curriculum Overview for this term:
Curriculum Overview Autumn 2024 Class 3-Spofforth
Curriculum Overview Spring 2025 Class 3-Spofforth
If you would like to access any extra learning at home, we have attached some activities for you to do.
You might also like to use:
Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practice for 6-11 year olds (
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (
PhonicsPlay User name: jan21 Password: home
DB Primary
Maths Resources.
Please click on the links below to access:
3 x table multiplication wheel
8 x table multiplication wheel
10 times table multiplication wheel
11 x table multiplication wheel
number bonds to 10 activity booklet
number bonds to 20 challenge cards
number bonds to 100 bar modelling
ultimate times table challenge 2
ultimate times table challenge
English Resources.
Please click on the links below to access:
High frequency word activity book
next 200 high frequency words activity book
statutory spelling word activity book 1
Statutory spelling word activity book 2
statutory word list activities
Self Care & Emotional Well being Activity Pack for Children
Please click on the link to access this pack to help primary children think about their own self care. It comes highly recommended from our partners at CompassBuzz: Selfcare Primary Pack