We warmly welcome parents/guardians of children due to start school in September 2024 to our Federation. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit.

Parent Home School Agreement

We value greatly and acknowledge the significant benefits that positive relationships between school and children’s families provides. Staff work incredibly hard to build and sustain good relationships with parents and pupils families.
Our home school agreement aims to provide and effective foundation for these strong working relationships by outlining expectations. We ask every family to carefully read the agreement. We ask you to share the appropriate sections with your child in an age appropriate way.

We ask that you indicate your agreement by completing the section at the bottom indicating you have read and understood the agreement and are happy to abide by it.

School will
-Maintain a high standard of education, keeping in line with national requirements providing rich and relevant curriculum for pupils.
-Care for each child’s safety and wellbeing.
-Encourage children to do their best at all times.
-Provide a positive safe and stimulating learning environment.
-Teach children to develop positive attitudes to everyone regardless of any differences.
-Help children understand their role in our communities.
-Communicate effectively and sensitively with parents treating them with respect and dignity.
-Promote good behaviour and attitudes at all times and use appropriate disciplines.
-Encourage children to take care of their surroundings and others around them.
-Inform parents of their children’s progress at regular meetings, provide an annual written report and contact them if there is a cause for concern.

We ask that parents:
-Make sure that their child arrives at school on time.
-Make sure that their child attends regularly and telephones school on the first day of absence.
-Fully comply with the school’s safeguarding (available on the school website) and the Social Networking Statement (see below).
-Attend parent consultation evenings to discuss their child’s progress and make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect their work or behaviour.
-Support the school in promoting good behaviour and attitudes as per the behaviour policy.
-Model high standards of behaviour to pupils when on the school site including treating other parents and visitors with respect.
-Treat all school staff with respect speaking calmly at all times.
-Contact the school directly with any queries or concerns.
-Support their child’s opportunities for home learning.
-Keep up to date with school news and correspondence as appropriate.
-If you drive to school please show consideration to local residents and, most importantly, the safety of children walking to school.  Parents should never park outside school at any time.

Social Networking:
Parents of children in North Yorkshire schools are commonly using social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat etc. to talk to and communicate with their friends.  Sometimes parents have used these sites to criticise or make inappropriate comments about schools or even teachers and members of staff. Making defamatory comments on the internet has exactly the same serious legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else.  Legal action could be taken against the person who has made the online comment.  Similarly, threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act 1988.
If you have any concerns about anything which happens in school please speak to your child’s class teacher, senior teachers/SENDCo or the Headteacher who will do their best to resolve things.  If you are still unhappy we have a complaints procedure which will ensure that your concerns are investigated thoroughly and appropriate action taken. Although we understand the temptation to ‘vent’ in the moment on social media in what might be perceived as a ‘closed’ or ‘private’ social media group these communications frequently find themselves being circulated beyond the intended group. Expressing concerns in this way can have a significant negative effect on the reputation of the school and the morale of the staff employed to work with your children.

Filming & Photography at School Public Events
At present we allow parents to photograph and film at school public events providing they follow clear guidelines, which are:
-Any filming must be of the parent’s individual child or children ONLY. No group filming or photographs are permitted.
-The Head teacher (and any other delegated teachers) reserves the right to randomly check content taken to ensure this aspect of the policy is being adhered to.
-If any other children are accidently captured this content must be deleted immediately.
-Any filming is for personal family use ONLY and must not be sold, published on websites or forms of social media such as Facebook or YouTube or in publications under any circumstances. The likely outcome of any breach of this would be a ‘blanket’ ban on parents taking photographs and video at school public events. -The Headteacher reserves the right to stop filming at any time if they or a colleague deems it inappropriate or obtrusive. This right is also delegated to any member of staff in charge of a group of pupils.
-Permission must be granted in advance and filming or photography must be sensitive to the needs of all children.
-Photographs or video may not be taken at swimming events.

We ask that children follow our school Rule at all times, in all places and with all adults:
Our Rule is:
‘Be Kind and Respectful’

Together we will work in positive partnerships with parents/guardians to achieve the best for children.


Forms are sent out at the beginning of the year on ParentMail and completed electronically.