School Closure Information
We hope severe weather and / or emergency situations do not disrupt the running of our schools. The following are the procedures we have in place in the event of severe bad weather or an emergency situation such as no water or electricity.
Even though local children may be able to make it into school, please remember that all of our staff travel from different areas may be unable to get to school safely. In that case the school would have to close on the grounds of pupil safety because of inadequate supervision. We have therefore decided on the following contingency plans as weather is an unpredictable force:
- Please listen to Greatest Hits radio on 96.0-107.9 FM, to hear if the school is closed or open later.
- Check the Greatest Hits website
- In bad weather please try to avoid using breakfast club if possible (as sometimes e final decision can not be taken until after breakfast club has opened). If using breakfast club provision please ensure an adult comes all the way up to school with your child making sure breakfast club staff are present before leaving your child.
- The texting service will be used to notify parents if the school is closed. Please inform Mrs. Giddings/Mrs Horner of any new or changed mobile phone numbers. You are unable to reply to school texts.
- If school opens on any morning but then the weather starts to deteriorate significantly, please collect your child straight away. It is impossible for staff to contact all parents. If you are in any doubt at all, please contact the school, but the quicker we can get the children home, the safer everyone will be.
- If you are a working parent could you please make sure that there will be someone available to collect your child should the need arise and send a note into school if those people are not known to us.
- Please remember to send your child to school with suitable foot wear and a change of socks maybe a good idea for the snowy weather. Hats, scarves, gloves and a warm coat should be brought into school every day over the winter period.
- Please keep this letter safe, as these contingency plans will apply to any days throughout the winter when we may experience severe bad weather of any kind.
For further information, please check our policies page.