Latest News
Green Jumper Day at Follifoot School
Well done to all the children for supporting Green Jumper day on the 20th February 2024. They have been superstars at turning the lights off when they’re not in use and making sure we’re saving energy to help the planet. Great job Follifoot!
Walk to School Day
Class 3 had enjoyed their golden time on Friday 2nd February after having the most children who walked to school! Well done Class 3!
National Storytelling Week
The Children at Spofforth enjoyed storytelling activities week commencing the 29th January as part of National storytelling week. School Council enjoyed reading stories to Class 1 and telling the story of The Three Little Pigs using puppets to Class 2.
Class 4 Fundraiser at Spofforth School
Thank you so much to everyone who sent in donations for our fundraising day on Friday 26th January. We were blown away with how enthusiastic the children were and how independently they ran their stalls. They interacted with all the children across the school brilliantly and managed to raise an amazing £287 for the Harrogate Homeless Project!! This is a huge achievement, especially as most of the items sold were only charged at 50p. It was fantastic to see them working together and taking responsibility in order to support such a worthy cause. We were very proud of all of them. Well done Class 4!”
DT Topic
Class 3 at Spofforth have had an amazing start to their DT topic. They explored making different structures using marshmallow and cocktail sticks.
KS2 Cross Country Event
We are so proud of KS2 for their superb attitude and effort in the Cross Country competition. Despite the weather, the children rose to the challenge and performed brilliantly! As well as trying their best when running, the children were supportive and kind towards each other.
Follifoot Crib Service
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our annual Crib Service at Follifoot Church on Tuesday 19th December.
A Little Goes A Long Way!
The bucket which is kept on the counter at Spofforth Shop was allocated to Spofforth Primary School in December, and the total collected was generously doubled by the owner of the shop John Singh.
Nativity 2023
The Reception and Nursery children of Spofforth and Follifoot Federation performed The Nativity with great enthusiasm and excitement. All 3 performances were a great success!
Christmas Crafting
Mrs McCann and Craft Club had fun making personalised Elf’s on the Shelf.