Federation Early Years
Federation Early Years at Spofforth School
As a successful and forward thinking Federation, we continually strive to improve provision for pupils and ensure the long-term success and viability of both our small village schools.
Since September 2018 it has been our pleasure to teach all our Early Years (Reception) pupils from both schools as a single class at Spofforth School. There are significant educational benefits for children including;
- All Early Years pupils accessing a wider peer group to enhance their personal and social development.
- A dedicated Early Years setting designed and resourced specifically to promote the Early Years curriculum.
- Maximising the specialist skills of existing staff and the enhanced outdoor provision for the benefit of pupils.
- All children being in dedicated Phase or Key stage classes.
- All children in classes with a maximum of only one other year group.
- A more even spread of pupils across classes.
In addition to the educational benefits outlined above a combined Early Years group will make more effective and efficient use of specialist Early Years resources and increase the likelihood of accessing funding to further improve facilities.
Since September 2018 Early Years (Reception) pupils from Follifoot have been taught at Spofforth School in Class One with Mrs Curtis, Early Years Lead, Mrs Lee, and Mrs Greenwood.
FAQs below provide further information around the rationale and operational aspects of the arrangements.
Long Term Plans
Please click on the links below to access further information:
Curriculum Long Term Plan Nursery 2024/25
Curriculum Long Term Plan Reception 2024/25
Frequently Asked Questions
Principles & Rationale
Why do the schools work this way?
This way of working will offer enhancements to the educational and social provision of pupils. Strategic decisions taken by the Federation are measured against our Federation Principles and this proposal aligns directly with the Federation principles which provide that;
- The needs of all the children, regardless of which school they attend, come first over all other priorities.
- The Federation strives to create outstanding provision for children in our localities and the whole community.
What are the benefits?
The benefits to pupils are;
- All Early Years pupils having access to a wider group of peers to better facilitate the delivery of the Early Years curriculum and enhance their social development.
- More efficient use of resources to maximise the number of adults available to support learning.
- All pupils at both schools accessing a dedicated Early Years setting designed specifically to promote the Early Years curriculum.
- Maximising the specialist skills of existing staff for the benefit of pupils.
- Maximising and continuing to develop the enhanced Early Years outdoor provision at Spofforth.
- All children being in dedicated Phase or Key stage classes.
- Children in classes with a maximum of only one other year group
- A more even spread of pupils across classes.
In addition to the many educational benefits outlined above, a more secure and stable combined Early Years group will make better use of the more specialist resources needed in Early Years such as outdoor provision. It will also increase the likelihood of accessing funding to further improve facilities as greater efficiency can be demonstrated via the operation of joint Early Years provision.
Operational Practicalities
How big will the class be?
We have 15 Reception places for children who attend Spofforth school and 10 Reception places for children who attend Follifoot school, a total of 25 reception children. There are also nursery places available for children aged 3-4 years, who are taught in the same class.
What are the staffing arrangements?
Mrs Helen Lee is the class teacher (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday afternoon)
Mrs Jess Curtis is the class teacher (Wednesday am, Thursday & Friday).
Mrs Debbie Greenwood is a teaching assistant dedicated to Class One.
How do I communicate with the adults working with my child?
Systems currently in place including, newsletters, ‘Class Dojo’ messages, text, email and parent consultation sessions will all continue. There will also be a member of staff on the bus at the start and end of the day to facilitate any brief daily face to face handover of information.
What uniform do the children wear?
All children will wear a Federation Early Years sweatshirt, which will be available to buy from our uniform suppliers. We recommend plain white polo shirts also.
Can I see the Early Years facilities and provision at Spofforth?
Yes. Parents are more than welcome to visit Spofforth and meet the Early Years team. If you would like to do this please contact either school office to arrange an appointment.
Can my child attend breakfast club at either school?
Yes children are welcome to attend either breakfast club? The usual charges will apply.
Links with Parents in Early Years