Curriculum – Music
Intent – The ambition and principles of our curriculum for our children. The curriculum content we expect children to learn. What we expect children to know. There is additional information on our intent – link to intent page
Implementation – How the intentions are realised. The sequence and strategies used to ensure children know and remember more. There is additional information on our implementation – link to implementation pages
Impact – How we check and see if children know what we expect them to and how we help them further if needed. How knowledge and skills learnt improved and enriches their lives socially, emotionally, spiritually as well as academically.
Subject Rationale
Each subject has a rationale outlining in more detail the intent, implementation and impact for the subject.
Please click on this link to access the Rationale for: Music Rationale
Subject Sequence and Knowledge Progression
The documents below outline in more detail the sequence children will follow in relation to: